and I will be releasing a 2.5.12 version hopefully next week.
Post by Goran LowkrantzHi,
ugen0.1: <UHCI root HUB 0x15ad> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL (12Mbps)
pwr=SAVE (0mA)
ugen1.1: <EHCI root HUB 0x15ad> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps)
pwr=SAVE (0mA)
ugen0.2: <VMware Virtual USB Mouse VMware> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL
(12Mbps) pwr=ON (0mA)
ugen0.3: <VMware Virtual USB Hub vendor 0x0e0f> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST
spd=FULL (12Mbps) pwr=SAVE (0mA)
ugen1.2: <MT1956 MediaTek Inc> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps)
pwr=ON (500mA)
ugen1.3: <Canon Digital Camera Canon Inc.> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH
(480Mbps) pwr=ON (2mA)
Model Port
Canon EOS 1D X MarkII usb:001,003
*** Error ***
PTP Operation Not Supported
*** Error ***
An error occurred in the io-library ('Unsupported operation'): No error
description available
*** Error (-6: 'Unsupported operation') ***
*** Error ***
PTP Operation Not Supported
*** Error ***
An error occurred in the io-library ('Unsupported operation'): No error
description available
ERROR: Could not capture image.
ERROR: Could not capture.
*** Error (-6: 'Unsupported operation') ***
Attached all files.
Label: Image Format
Current: RAW
Choice: 0 Unknown value 0000 L
Choice: 1 Unknown value 5000 M1
Choice: 2 Unknown value 6000 M2
Choice: 3 Unknown value 2000 S
Choice: 4 L + RAW
Choice: 5 Unknown value 0450 M1 + RAW
Choice: 6 Unknown value 0460 M2 + RAW
Choice: 7 Unknown value 0420 S + RAW
Choice: 8 L + mRAW
Choice: 9 Unknown value 1450 M1 + mRAW
Choice: 10 Unknown value 1460 M2 + mRAW
Choice: 11 Unknown value 1420 S + mRAW
Choice: 12 L + sRAW
Choice: 13 Unknown value 2450 M1 + sRAW
Choice: 14 Unknown value 2460 M2 + sRAW
Choice: 15 Unknown value 2420 S + sRAW
Choice: 16 RAW
Choice: 17 mRAW
Choice: 18 sRAW
/main/imgsettings/imageformatsd ?? CFast/CompactFlash
Label: ISO Speed
Current: Auto
Choice: 0 Auto
Choice: 1 100
Choice: 2 125
Choice: 3 160
Choice: 4 200
Choice: 5 250
Choice: 6 320
Choice: 7 400
Choice: 8 500
Choice: 9 640
Choice: 10 800
Choice: 11 1000
Choice: 12 1250
Choice: 13 1600
Choice: 14 2000
Choice: 15 2500
Choice: 16 3200
Choice: 17 4000
Choice: 18 5000
Choice: 19 6400
Choice: 20 8000
Choice: 21 10000
Choice: 22 12800
Choice: 23 16000
Choice: 24 20000
Choice: 25 25600
Choice: 26 Unknown value 008b 32000
Choice: 27 Unknown value 008d 40000
Choice: 28 51200
Label: WhiteBalance
Current: Auto
Choice: 0 Auto AWBw Auto Whitebalance: Abiance Priority
Choice: 1 Unknown value 0017 AWBw Auto Whitebalance: White Priority
Choice: 2 Daylight
Choice: 3 Shadow
Choice: 4 Cloudy
Choice: 5 Tungsten
Choice: 6 Fluorescent
Choice: 7 Flash
Choice: 8 Manual Custom 1
Choice: 9 Unknown value 000f Custom 2
Choice: 10 Unknown value 0010 Custom 3
Choice: 11 Unknown value 0012 Custom 4
Choice: 12 Unknown value 0013 Custom 5
Choice: 13 Color Temperature
Label: Drive Mode
Current: Single
Choice: 0 Single
Choice: 1 Continuous high speed
Choice: 2 Continuous low speed
Choice: 3 Unknown value 0006 Silent
Choice: 4 Unknown value 0015 Silent Continuous high speed
Choice: 5 Unknown value 0016 Silent Continuous low speed
Choice: 6 Timer 10 sec
Choice: 7 Timer 2 sec
Label: Picture Style
Current: Neutral
Choice: 0 Auto
Choice: 1 Standard
Choice: 2 Portrait
Choice: 3 Landscape
Choice: 4 Unknown value 0088 Fine Detail
Choice: 5 Neutral
Choice: 6 Faithful
Choice: 7 Monochrome
Choice: 8 User defined 1
Choice: 9 User defined 2
Choice: 10 User defined 3
Label: Aperture
Current: Unknown value 0000
Choice: 0 Unknown value 0000 Auto
0.000091 main (2): gphoto2 2.5.11
0.000099 main (2): + cc (C compiler used)
0.000117 main (2): + popt (mandatory, for handling command-line parameters)
0.000119 main (2): + exif (for displaying EXIF information)
0.000121 main (2): + no cdk (for accessing configuration options)
0.000123 main (2): + aa (for displaying live previews)
0.000126 main (2): + jpeg (for displaying live previews in JPEG format)
0.000128 main (2): + readline (for easy navigation in the shell)
0.000131 main (2): libgphoto2 2.5.11
0.000137 main (2): + all camlibs
0.000139 main (2): + cc (C compiler used)
0.000141 main (2): + no ltdl (for portable loading of camlibs)
0.000144 main (2): + EXIF (for special handling of EXIF files)
0.000147 main (2): libgphoto2_port 0.12.0
0.000152 main (2): + cc (C compiler used)
0.000154 main (2): + no ltdl (for portable loading of camlibs)
0.000156 main (2): + USB (libusb1, for USB cameras)
0.000158 main (2): + no serial (for serial cameras)
0.000161 main (2): + no resmgr (serial port access and locking)
0.000163 main (2): + no ttylock (serial port locking)
0.000165 main (2): + no lockdev (serial port locking)
0.000168 main (2): CAMLIBS env var not set, using compile-time default instead
0.000170 main (2): IOLIBS env var not set, using compile-time default instead
0.000174 main (2): --debug
0.000177 main (2): --debug-logfile=capture-image-logfile.txt
0.000179 main (2): --capture-image
0.000193 load_settings (2): Creating gphoto config directory ('/root/.gphoto')
0.000237 load_settings (2): Loading settings from file '/root/.gphoto/settings'.
0.000262 main (2): The user has not specified both a model and a port. Try to figure them out.
0.000269 gp_port_info_list_load (2): Using ltdl to load io-drivers from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0'...
0.000318 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/disk'.
0.000382 foreach_func (2): Loaded '' ('^disk:') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/disk'.
0.000386 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/ptpip'.
0.000436 foreach_func (2): Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/ptpip'.
0.000441 foreach_func (2): Loaded '' ('^ptpip:') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/ptpip'.
0.000443 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usb1'.
0.000750 foreach_func (2): Loaded '' ('^usb:') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usb1'.
0.000756 foreach_func (2): Loaded 'Universal Serial Bus' ('usb:001,002') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usb1'.
0.000758 foreach_func (2): Loaded 'Universal Serial Bus' ('usb:001,003') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usb1'.
0.000761 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usbdiskdirect'.
0.000822 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usbscsi'.
0.000871 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/vusb'.
0.000926 gp_port_library_type (2): ()
0.000931 foreach_func (2): '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/vusb' already loaded
0.000949 gp_port_info_list_count (2): Counting entries (6 available)...
0.000952 gp_port_info_list_count (2): 3 regular entries available.
0.000961 gp_abilities_list_load_dir (2): Using ltdl to load camera libraries from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11'...
0.001068 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/adc65'.
0.001073 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/agfa_cl20'.
0.001075 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/aox'.
0.001078 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ax203'.
0.001080 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/barbie'.
0.001082 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/canon'.
0.001085 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/casio_qv'.
0.001087 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/clicksmart310'.
0.001089 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/digigr8'.
0.001092 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/digita'.
0.001094 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/dimagev'.
0.001096 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/dimera3500'.
0.001099 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/directory'.
0.001101 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/enigma13'.
0.001104 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/fuji'.
0.001106 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/gsmart300'.
0.001108 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/hp215'.
0.001111 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/iclick'.
0.001113 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/jamcam'.
0.001115 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/jd11'.
0.001118 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/jl2005a'.
0.001120 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/jl2005c'.
0.001122 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_dc120'.
0.001125 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_dc210'.
0.001127 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_dc240'.
0.001129 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_dc3200'.
0.001132 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_ez200'.
0.001134 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/konica'.
0.001137 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/konica_qm150'.
0.001139 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/largan'.
0.001141 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/lg_gsm'.
0.001144 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/mars'.
0.001146 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/mustek'.
0.001148 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/panasonic_coolshot'.
0.001151 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/panasonic_dc1000'.
0.001153 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/panasonic_dc1580'.
0.001155 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/panasonic_l859'.
0.001162 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/pccam300'.
0.001164 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/pccam600'.
0.001167 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/pentax'.
0.001169 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/polaroid_pdc320'.
0.001172 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/polaroid_pdc640'.
0.001174 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/polaroid_pdc700'.
0.001176 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ptp2'.
0.001179 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ricoh'.
0.001181 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ricoh_g3'.
0.001183 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/samsung'.
0.001186 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sierra'.
0.001188 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sipix_blink2'.
0.001191 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sipix_web2'.
0.001193 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/smal'.
0.001195 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sonix'.
0.001198 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sony_dscf1'.
0.001200 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sony_dscf55'.
0.001203 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/soundvision'.
0.001205 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/spca50x'.
0.001207 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sq905'.
0.001210 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/st2205'.
0.001212 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/stv0674'.
0.001214 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/stv0680'.
0.001217 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sx330z'.
0.001219 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/topfield'.
0.001221 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/toshiba_pdrm11'.
0.001224 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/tp6801'.
0.001228 gp_abilities_list_load_dir (2): Found 64 camera drivers.
0.021471 gp_port_info_list_count (2): Counting entries (6 available)...
0.021494 gp_port_info_list_count (2): 3 regular entries available.
0.021497 gp_port_new (2): Creating new device...
0.021502 gp_port_info_list_get_info (2): Getting info of entry 0 (6 available)...
0.021590 gp_port_set_settings (2): Setting settings...
0.021598 gp_port_info_list_get_info (2): Getting info of entry 1 (6 available)...
0.021730 gp_port_set_timeout (2): Setting port timeout to 5000 milliseconds.
0.021735 gp_port_set_settings (2): Setting settings...
0.021740 gp_libusb1_update (2): (old int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,002, (new int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,002
0.021743 gp_libusb1_update (2): lowlevel libusb1 port not yet opened, no need for libusb changes
0.021746 gp_abilities_list_detect_usb(2): Auto-detecting USB cameras...
0.022576 gp_libusb1_find_device_by_class_lib(2): Looking for USB device (class 0x29a, subclass, 0xffffffff, protocol 0xffffffff)...
0.023071 gp_libusb1_find_device_by_class_lib(2): Looking for USB device (class 0x6, subclass, 0x1, protocol 0x1)...
0.023124 gp_port_info_list_get_info (2): Getting info of entry 2 (6 available)...
0.023241 gp_port_set_timeout (2): Setting port timeout to 5000 milliseconds.
0.023246 gp_port_set_settings (2): Setting settings...
0.023251 gp_libusb1_update (2): (old int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,003, (new int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,003
0.023262 gp_libusb1_update (2): lowlevel libusb1 port not yet opened, no need for libusb changes
0.023265 gp_abilities_list_detect_usb(2): Auto-detecting USB cameras...
0.023484 gp_libusb1_find_device_lib (2): Looking for USB device (vendor 0x4a9, product 0x3292)... found.
0.023582 gp_libusb1_find_device_lib (2): Detected defaults: config 1, interface 0, altsetting 0, inep 81, outep 02, intep 83, class 06, subclass 01
0.023586 gp_abilities_list_detect_usb(2): Found 'Canon EOS 1D X MarkII' (0x4a9,0x3292)
0.023590 gp_port_free (2): Freeing port...
0.023593 gp_port_close (2): Closing port...
0.023645 gp_camera_set_abilities (2): Setting abilities ('Canon EOS 1D X MarkII')...
0.023652 gp_setting_set (2): Setting key 'model' to value 'Canon EOS 1D X MarkII' (gphoto2)
0.023655 save_settings (2): Saving 3 setting(s) to file "/root/.gphoto/settings"
0.023699 gp_port_info_list_lookup_path(2): Looking for path 'usb:001,003' (6 entries available)...
0.023704 gp_port_info_list_get_info (2): Getting info of entry 2 (6 available)...
0.023708 gp_camera_set_port_info (2): Setting port info for port 'Universal Serial Bus' at 'usb:001,003'...
0.023795 gp_port_set_timeout (2): Setting port timeout to 5000 milliseconds.
0.023800 gp_port_set_settings (2): Setting settings...
0.023805 gp_libusb1_update (2): (old int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,003, (new int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,003
0.023807 gp_libusb1_update (2): lowlevel libusb1 port not yet opened, no need for libusb changes
0.023811 gp_setting_set (2): Setting key 'port' to value 'usb:001,003' (gphoto2)
0.023814 save_settings (2): Saving 3 setting(s) to file "/root/.gphoto/settings"
0.023910 gp_camera_init (2): Initializing camera...
0.023991 gp_libusb1_find_device_lib (2): Looking for USB device (vendor 0x4a9, product 0x3292)... found.
0.024086 gp_libusb1_find_device_lib (2): Detected defaults: config 1, interface 0, altsetting 0, inep 81, outep 02, intep 83, class 06, subclass 01
0.024090 gp_camera_init (2): Loading '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ptp2'...
0.024624 gp_port_open (2): Opening USB port...
0.024630 gp_libusb1_open (2): ()
0.024668 gp_libusb1_open (2): claiming interface 0
0.025291 camera_init (2): maxpacketsize 512
0.025298 gp_port_set_timeout (2): Setting port timeout to 1500 milliseconds.
0.025302 ptp (2): PTP: Opening session
0.025312 ptp_usb_sendreq (2): Sending PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) (0x1) request...
0.025316 gp_port_write (3): Writing 16 = 0x10 bytes to port...
0.025532 gp_port_write (3): Wrote 16 = 0x10 bytes to port: (hexdump of 16 bytes)
0000 10 00 00 00 01 00 02 10-00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ................
0.025552 ptp_usb_getresp (2): Reading PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) response...
0.025556 gp_port_read (3): Reading 1024 = 0x400 bytes from port...
0.026230 gp_port_read (3): Read 12 = 0xc out of 1024 bytes from port: (hexdump of 12 bytes)
0000 0c 00 00 00 03 00 05 20-00 00 00 00 ....... ....
0.026244 ptp_usb_getresp [usb.c:465] (0): PTP_OC 0x1002 receiving resp failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.026249 camera_init [library.c:7800](0): 'ptp_opensession (params, sessionid)' failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.026251 ptp (2): PTP: Opening session
0.026257 ptp_usb_sendreq (2): Sending PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) (0x1) request...
0.026259 gp_port_write (3): Writing 16 = 0x10 bytes to port...
0.026460 gp_port_write (3): Wrote 16 = 0x10 bytes to port: (hexdump of 16 bytes)
0000 10 00 00 00 01 00 02 10-00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ................
0.026468 ptp_usb_getresp (2): Reading PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) response...
0.026471 gp_port_read (3): Reading 1024 = 0x400 bytes from port...
0.026805 gp_port_read (3): Read 12 = 0xc out of 1024 bytes from port: (hexdump of 12 bytes)
0000 0c 00 00 00 03 00 05 20-00 00 00 00 ....... ....
0.026812 ptp_usb_getresp [usb.c:465] (0): PTP_OC 0x1002 receiving resp failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.026816 camera_init [library.c:7800](0): 'ptp_opensession (params, sessionid)' failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.026818 ptp (2): PTP: Opening session
0.026823 ptp_usb_sendreq (2): Sending PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) (0x1) request...
0.026825 gp_port_write (3): Writing 16 = 0x10 bytes to port...
0.027092 gp_port_write (3): Wrote 16 = 0x10 bytes to port: (hexdump of 16 bytes)
0000 10 00 00 00 01 00 02 10-00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ................
0.027101 ptp_usb_getresp (2): Reading PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) response...
0.027105 gp_port_read (3): Reading 1024 = 0x400 bytes from port...
0.027361 gp_port_read (3): Read 12 = 0xc out of 1024 bytes from port: (hexdump of 12 bytes)
0000 0c 00 00 00 03 00 05 20-00 00 00 00 ....... ....
0.027368 ptp_usb_getresp [usb.c:465] (0): PTP_OC 0x1002 receiving resp failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.027372 camera_init [library.c:7800](0): 'ptp_opensession (params, sessionid)' failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.027375 camera_init [library.c:7828](0): 'ret' failed: 'PTP Operation Not Supported' (0x2005)
0.027381 gp_context_error (0): PTP Operation Not Supported
0.027404 gp_port_close (2): Closing port...
0.028874 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 0:0x802a6b098 (status 0)
0.028902 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 1:0x802a6b108 (status 0)
0.028927 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 2:0x802a6b178 (status 0)
0.028933 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 3:0x802a6b1e8 (status 0)
0.028937 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 4:0x802a6b258 (status 0)
0.028941 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 5:0x802a6b2c8 (status 0)
0.028946 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 6:0x802a6b338 (status 0)
0.028987 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 7:0x802a6b3a8 (status 0)
0.028990 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 8:0x802a6b418 (status 0)
0.029006 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 9:0x802a6b488 (status 0)
0.029015 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b098 with status 3
0.029021 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b108 with status 3
0.029024 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b178 with status 3
0.029026 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b1e8 with status 3
0.029029 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b258 with status 3
0.029031 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b2c8 with status 3
0.029034 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b338 with status 3
0.029036 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b3a8 with status 3
0.029039 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b418 with status 3
0.029042 _cb_irq (2): 0x802a6b488 with status 3
0.047252 gp_context_error (0): An error occurred in the io-library ('Unsupported operation'): No error description available
0.047834 gp_camera_free (2): Freeing camera...
0.047841 gp_port_free (2): Freeing port...
0.047844 gp_port_close (2): Closing port...
0.047996 gp_filesystem_reset (2): resetting filesystem
0.048009 gp_filesystem_lru_clear (2): Clearing fscache LRU list...
0.048012 gp_filesystem_lru_clear (2): fscache LRU list already empty
0.048015 delete_all_folders (2): Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
0.048018 lookup_folder (2): Lookup folder '/'...
0.048021 lookup_folder (2): Found! / is 0x802a1c060
0.048035 recurse_delete_folder (2): Recurse delete folder 0x802a1c060//
For debugging messages, please use the --debug option.
Debugging messages may help finding a solution to your problem.
If you intend to send any error or debug messages to the gphoto
env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --debug-logfile=my-logfile.txt --list-all-config
Please make sure there is sufficient quoting around the arguments.
0.000185 main (2): gphoto2 2.5.11
0.000211 main (2): + cc (C compiler used)
0.000213 main (2): + popt (mandatory, for handling command-line parameters)
0.000216 main (2): + exif (for displaying EXIF information)
0.000218 main (2): + no cdk (for accessing configuration options)
0.000235 main (2): + aa (for displaying live previews)
0.000238 main (2): + jpeg (for displaying live previews in JPEG format)
0.000240 main (2): + readline (for easy navigation in the shell)
0.000244 main (2): libgphoto2 2.5.11
0.000250 main (2): + all camlibs
0.000252 main (2): + cc (C compiler used)
0.000255 main (2): + no ltdl (for portable loading of camlibs)
0.000257 main (2): + EXIF (for special handling of EXIF files)
0.000260 main (2): libgphoto2_port 0.12.0
0.000266 main (2): + cc (C compiler used)
0.000268 main (2): + no ltdl (for portable loading of camlibs)
0.000271 main (2): + USB (libusb1, for USB cameras)
0.000273 main (2): + no serial (for serial cameras)
0.000275 main (2): + no resmgr (serial port access and locking)
0.000278 main (2): + no ttylock (serial port locking)
0.000280 main (2): + no lockdev (serial port locking)
0.000283 main (2): CAMLIBS env var not set, using compile-time default instead
0.000285 main (2): IOLIBS env var not set, using compile-time default instead
0.000290 main (2): --debug
0.000292 main (2): --debug-logfile=list-all-config-logfile.txt
0.000294 main (2): --list-all-config
0.000310 load_settings (2): Creating gphoto config directory ('/root/.gphoto')
0.000356 load_settings (2): Loading settings from file '/root/.gphoto/settings'.
0.000470 gp_camera_init (2): Initializing camera...
0.000478 gp_camera_init (2): Neither port nor model set. Trying auto-detection...
0.000486 gp_abilities_list_load_dir (2): Using ltdl to load camera libraries from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11'...
0.000623 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/adc65'.
0.000628 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/agfa_cl20'.
0.000630 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/aox'.
0.000633 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ax203'.
0.000635 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/barbie'.
0.000637 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/canon'.
0.000640 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/casio_qv'.
0.000642 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/clicksmart310'.
0.000644 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/digigr8'.
0.000647 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/digita'.
0.000649 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/dimagev'.
0.000651 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/dimera3500'.
0.000660 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/directory'.
0.000663 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/enigma13'.
0.000665 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/fuji'.
0.000668 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/gsmart300'.
0.000670 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/hp215'.
0.000672 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/iclick'.
0.000674 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/jamcam'.
0.000677 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/jd11'.
0.000679 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/jl2005a'.
0.000681 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/jl2005c'.
0.000684 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_dc120'.
0.000686 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_dc210'.
0.000688 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_dc240'.
0.000691 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_dc3200'.
0.000693 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/kodak_ez200'.
0.000696 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/konica'.
0.000698 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/konica_qm150'.
0.000700 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/largan'.
0.000702 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/lg_gsm'.
0.000705 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/mars'.
0.000707 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/mustek'.
0.000709 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/panasonic_coolshot'.
0.000712 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/panasonic_dc1000'.
0.000714 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/panasonic_dc1580'.
0.000716 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/panasonic_l859'.
0.000719 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/pccam300'.
0.000721 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/pccam600'.
0.000724 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/pentax'.
0.000726 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/polaroid_pdc320'.
0.000728 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/polaroid_pdc640'.
0.000731 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/polaroid_pdc700'.
0.000733 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ptp2'.
0.000735 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ricoh'.
0.000738 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ricoh_g3'.
0.000740 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/samsung'.
0.000742 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sierra'.
0.000745 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sipix_blink2'.
0.000747 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sipix_web2'.
0.000749 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/smal'.
0.000752 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sonix'.
0.000754 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sony_dscf1'.
0.000756 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sony_dscf55'.
0.000759 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/soundvision'.
0.000761 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/spca50x'.
0.000766 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sq905'.
0.000768 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/st2205'.
0.000770 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/stv0674'.
0.000773 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/stv0680'.
0.000775 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/sx330z'.
0.000778 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/topfield'.
0.000780 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/toshiba_pdrm11'.
0.000782 foreach_func (2): Found '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/tp6801'.
0.000791 gp_abilities_list_load_dir (2): Found 64 camera drivers.
0.020560 gp_port_info_list_load (2): Using ltdl to load io-drivers from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0'...
0.020622 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/disk'.
0.020702 foreach_func (2): Loaded '' ('^disk:') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/disk'.
0.020707 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/ptpip'.
0.020761 foreach_func (2): Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/ptpip'.
0.020766 foreach_func (2): Loaded '' ('^ptpip:') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/ptpip'.
0.020769 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usb1'.
0.021099 foreach_func (2): Loaded '' ('^usb:') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usb1'.
0.021105 foreach_func (2): Loaded 'Universal Serial Bus' ('usb:001,002') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usb1'.
0.021108 foreach_func (2): Loaded 'Universal Serial Bus' ('usb:001,003') from '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usb1'.
0.021111 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usbdiskdirect'.
0.021205 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/usbscsi'.
0.021255 foreach_func (2): Called for filename '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/vusb'.
0.021293 gp_port_library_type (2): ()
0.021298 foreach_func (2): '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/vusb' already loaded
0.021314 gp_port_info_list_count (2): Counting entries (6 available)...
0.021317 gp_port_info_list_count (2): 3 regular entries available.
0.021320 gp_port_new (2): Creating new device...
0.021324 gp_port_info_list_get_info (2): Getting info of entry 0 (6 available)...
0.021362 gp_port_set_settings (2): Setting settings...
0.021369 gp_port_info_list_get_info (2): Getting info of entry 1 (6 available)...
0.021459 gp_port_set_timeout (2): Setting port timeout to 5000 milliseconds.
0.021464 gp_port_set_settings (2): Setting settings...
0.021469 gp_libusb1_update (2): (old int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,002, (new int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,002
0.021471 gp_libusb1_update (2): lowlevel libusb1 port not yet opened, no need for libusb changes
0.021474 gp_abilities_list_detect_usb(2): Auto-detecting USB cameras...
0.022229 gp_libusb1_find_device_by_class_lib(2): Looking for USB device (class 0x29a, subclass, 0xffffffff, protocol 0xffffffff)...
0.022673 gp_libusb1_find_device_by_class_lib(2): Looking for USB device (class 0x6, subclass, 0x1, protocol 0x1)...
0.022725 gp_port_info_list_get_info (2): Getting info of entry 2 (6 available)...
0.022838 gp_port_set_timeout (2): Setting port timeout to 5000 milliseconds.
0.022843 gp_port_set_settings (2): Setting settings...
0.022848 gp_libusb1_update (2): (old int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,003, (new int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,003
0.022850 gp_libusb1_update (2): lowlevel libusb1 port not yet opened, no need for libusb changes
0.022861 gp_abilities_list_detect_usb(2): Auto-detecting USB cameras...
0.023081 gp_libusb1_find_device_lib (2): Looking for USB device (vendor 0x4a9, product 0x3292)... found.
0.023197 gp_libusb1_find_device_lib (2): Detected defaults: config 1, interface 0, altsetting 0, inep 81, outep 02, intep 83, class 06, subclass 01
0.023202 gp_abilities_list_detect_usb(2): Found 'Canon EOS 1D X MarkII' (0x4a9,0x3292)
0.023206 gp_port_free (2): Freeing port...
0.023208 gp_port_close (2): Closing port...
0.023640 gp_camera_set_abilities (2): Setting abilities ('Canon EOS 1D X MarkII')...
0.023648 gp_port_info_list_lookup_path(2): Looking for path 'usb:001,003' (6 entries available)...
0.023652 gp_port_info_list_get_info (2): Getting info of entry 2 (6 available)...
0.023656 gp_camera_set_port_info (2): Setting port info for port 'Universal Serial Bus' at 'usb:001,003'...
0.023742 gp_port_set_timeout (2): Setting port timeout to 5000 milliseconds.
0.023747 gp_port_set_settings (2): Setting settings...
0.023752 gp_libusb1_update (2): (old int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,003, (new int=0, conf=-1, alt=-1) port usb:001,003
0.023754 gp_libusb1_update (2): lowlevel libusb1 port not yet opened, no need for libusb changes
0.023831 gp_libusb1_find_device_lib (2): Looking for USB device (vendor 0x4a9, product 0x3292)... found.
0.023926 gp_libusb1_find_device_lib (2): Detected defaults: config 1, interface 0, altsetting 0, inep 81, outep 02, intep 83, class 06, subclass 01
0.023929 gp_camera_init (2): Loading '/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.11/ptp2'...
0.024461 gp_port_open (2): Opening USB port...
0.024467 gp_libusb1_open (2): ()
0.024505 gp_libusb1_open (2): claiming interface 0
0.025187 camera_init (2): maxpacketsize 512
0.025195 gp_port_set_timeout (2): Setting port timeout to 1500 milliseconds.
0.025199 ptp (2): PTP: Opening session
0.025207 ptp_usb_sendreq (2): Sending PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) (0x1) request...
0.025211 gp_port_write (3): Writing 16 = 0x10 bytes to port...
0.025468 gp_port_write (3): Wrote 16 = 0x10 bytes to port: (hexdump of 16 bytes)
0000 10 00 00 00 01 00 02 10-00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ................
0.025478 ptp_usb_getresp (2): Reading PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) response...
0.025482 gp_port_read (3): Reading 1024 = 0x400 bytes from port...
0.026063 gp_port_read (3): Read 12 = 0xc out of 1024 bytes from port: (hexdump of 12 bytes)
0000 0c 00 00 00 03 00 05 20-00 00 00 00 ....... ....
0.026078 ptp_usb_getresp [usb.c:465] (0): PTP_OC 0x1002 receiving resp failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.026082 camera_init [library.c:7800](0): 'ptp_opensession (params, sessionid)' failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.026085 ptp (2): PTP: Opening session
0.026090 ptp_usb_sendreq (2): Sending PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) (0x1) request...
0.026093 gp_port_write (3): Writing 16 = 0x10 bytes to port...
0.026292 gp_port_write (3): Wrote 16 = 0x10 bytes to port: (hexdump of 16 bytes)
0000 10 00 00 00 01 00 02 10-00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ................
0.026299 ptp_usb_getresp (2): Reading PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) response...
0.026302 gp_port_read (3): Reading 1024 = 0x400 bytes from port...
0.026687 gp_port_read (3): Read 12 = 0xc out of 1024 bytes from port: (hexdump of 12 bytes)
0000 0c 00 00 00 03 00 05 20-00 00 00 00 ....... ....
0.026693 ptp_usb_getresp [usb.c:465] (0): PTP_OC 0x1002 receiving resp failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.026696 camera_init [library.c:7800](0): 'ptp_opensession (params, sessionid)' failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.026699 ptp (2): PTP: Opening session
0.026709 ptp_usb_sendreq (2): Sending PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) (0x1) request...
0.026712 gp_port_write (3): Writing 16 = 0x10 bytes to port...
0.026868 gp_port_write (3): Wrote 16 = 0x10 bytes to port: (hexdump of 16 bytes)
0000 10 00 00 00 01 00 02 10-00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ................
0.026875 ptp_usb_getresp (2): Reading PTP_OC 0x1002 (Open session) response...
0.026877 gp_port_read (3): Reading 1024 = 0x400 bytes from port...
0.027343 gp_port_read (3): Read 12 = 0xc out of 1024 bytes from port: (hexdump of 12 bytes)
0000 0c 00 00 00 03 00 05 20-00 00 00 00 ....... ....
0.027350 ptp_usb_getresp [usb.c:465] (0): PTP_OC 0x1002 receiving resp failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.027353 camera_init [library.c:7800](0): 'ptp_opensession (params, sessionid)' failed: PTP Operation Not Supported (0x2005)
0.027356 camera_init [library.c:7828](0): 'ret' failed: 'PTP Operation Not Supported' (0x2005)
0.027362 gp_context_error (0): PTP Operation Not Supported
0.027390 gp_port_close (2): Closing port...
0.029149 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 0:0x802be8098 (status 0)
0.029185 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 1:0x802be8108 (status 0)
0.029190 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 2:0x802be8178 (status 0)
0.029193 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 3:0x802be81e8 (status 0)
0.029204 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 4:0x802be8258 (status 0)
0.029206 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 5:0x802be82c8 (status 0)
0.029209 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 6:0x802be8338 (status 0)
0.029212 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 7:0x802be83a8 (status 0)
0.029214 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 8:0x802be8418 (status 0)
0.029228 _close_async_interrupts (2): canceling transfer 9:0x802be8488 (status 0)
0.029288 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be8098 with status 3
0.029300 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be8108 with status 3
0.029303 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be8178 with status 3
0.029305 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be81e8 with status 3
0.029308 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be8258 with status 3
0.029310 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be82c8 with status 3
0.029313 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be8338 with status 3
0.029315 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be83a8 with status 3
0.029318 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be8418 with status 3
0.029320 _cb_irq (2): 0x802be8488 with status 3
0.045467 gp_context_error (0): An error occurred in the io-library ('Unsupported operation'): No error description available
0.045502 gp_camera_free (2): Freeing camera...
0.045507 gp_port_free (2): Freeing port...
0.045509 gp_port_close (2): Closing port...
0.045558 gp_filesystem_reset (2): resetting filesystem
0.045562 gp_filesystem_lru_clear (2): Clearing fscache LRU list...
0.045565 gp_filesystem_lru_clear (2): fscache LRU list already empty
0.045567 delete_all_folders (2): Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
0.045570 lookup_folder (2): Lookup folder '/'...
0.045573 lookup_folder (2): Found! / is 0x802a1c060
0.045576 recurse_delete_folder (2): Recurse delete folder 0x802a1c060//
Manufacturer: Canon.Inc
Model: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II
Version: 3-1.1.2
Serial Number: e4df635136c94f419a5f535b5f22c20d
Vendor Extension ID: 0xb (1.0)
Capture Formats: JPEG
Display Formats: Association/Directory, Script, DPOF, MS AVI, MS Wave, JPEG, CRW, Unknown(b103), Unknown(bf02), Defined Type, Unknown(b104), Unknown(b105)
File Download, File Deletion, File Upload
No Image Capture, No Open Capture, Canon EOS Capture, Canon EOS Shutter Button
Canon Wifi support
StorageDescription: CF
VolumeLabel: None
Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card)
Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM)
Access Capability: Read-Write
Maximum Capability: 64014548992 (61049 MB)
Free Space (Bytes): 64014385152 (61048 MB)
Free Space (Images): -1
StorageDescription: CFast
VolumeLabel: None
Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card)
Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM)
Access Capability: Read-Write
Maximum Capability: 63989612544 (61025 MB)
Free Space (Bytes): 63708200960 (60756 MB)
Free Space (Images): -1
Property 0xd402:(read only) (type=0xffff) 'Canon EOS-1D X Mark II'
Property 0xd407:(read only) (type=0x6) 1
Property 0xd406:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Windows/10.0.14393 MTPClassDriver/10.0.14393.0'
Property 0xd303:(read only) (type=0x2) 1
Battery Level(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Enumeration [100,0,75,0,50] value: 18% (18)
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