[gphoto-devel] Panasonic DMC-SZ9
Hanno Blankenstein
2017-01-04 01:59:46 UTC

One for the list.
Here is a summary.txt and config.txt for the DMC-SZ9. Not too many options
unfortunately for any Panasonic as I notice.
I would love to have the ability to have live view of the Panasonic cameras

I am curious, how is the integration of Panasonic cameras/camcorders
progressing, if at all? I also have a camcorder HC-V520 / V520M and would
love to use the live preview and --capture-video option with gphoto2. Is
there any option to achieve this with gphoto2 or other packages?

Marcus Meissner
2017-01-05 14:55:45 UTC
Hi Hanno,

The Panasonics we so far encountered do not support remote control / live view
over USB. This is a choice by Panasonic in their firmware.

It looks like this one is not different.

Ciao, Marcus
Post by Hanno Blankenstein
One for the list.
Here is a summary.txt and config.txt for the DMC-SZ9. Not too many options
unfortunately for any Panasonic as I notice.
I would love to have the ability to have live view of the Panasonic cameras
I am curious, how is the integration of Panasonic cameras/camcorders
progressing, if at all? I also have a camcorder HC-V520 / V520M and would
love to use the live preview and --capture-video option with gphoto2. Is
there any option to achieve this with gphoto2 or other packages?
Label: PTP Opcode
Type: TEXT
Current: 0x1001,0xparam1,0xparam2
Label: Serial Number
Type: TEXT
Current: None
Label: Camera Manufacturer
Type: TEXT
Current: Panasonic
Label: Camera Model
Type: TEXT
Current: DMC-SZ9
Label: Device Version
Type: TEXT
Current: 1.0
Label: Vendor Extension
Type: TEXT
Current: None
Label: Battery Level
Type: TEXT
Current: 100%
Label: Session Initiator Info
Type: TEXT
Current: Windows/6.2.9200 MTPClassDriver/6.2.9200.16384
Label: Perceived Device Type
Type: TEXT
Current: 1
Label: Battery Level
Current: 100
Bottom: 0
Top: 100
Step: 10
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Model: DMC-SZ9
Version: 1.0
Vendor Extension ID: 0x6 (1.0)
Display Formats: Association/Directory, DPOF, Apple Quicktime, JPEG
Association/Directory/3001: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc05/AssociationType dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name
DPOF/3006: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name
Apple Quicktime/300d: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name dc87/Width dc88/Height dc89/Duration de93/SampleRate de94/NumberOfChannels de97/ScanDepth de9a/AudioBitRate de9b/VideoFourCCCodec de9c/VideoBitRate
JPEG/3801: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name dc87/Width dc88/Height dcd3/ImageBitDepth
File Download, File Deletion, No File Upload
No Image Capture, No Open Capture, No vendor specific capture
StorageDescription: None
VolumeLabel: None
Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card)
Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM)
Access Capability: Read-Write
Maximum Capability: 31902400512 (30424 MB)
Free Space (Bytes): 31839846400 (30364 MB)
Free Space (Images): 0
Session Initiator Info(0xd406):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Windows/6.2.9200 MTPClassDriver/6.2.9200.16384'
Perceived Device Type(0xd407):(read only) (type=0x6) 1
Battery Level(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 100, step 10] value: 100% (100)
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Fazekas László
2017-01-05 15:29:58 UTC
Hello Hanno,

For the camcorder, if it has a live hdmi output, you can use a BMD card
(Intensity) to capture the video into the computer with hdmi. The driver
provides a custom c++ API if you want to use it from a program (under
Windows/OSX/Linux). This solution is very fast, it was designed to
capture uncompressed video in real time. Also, usually it provides even
better video quality than the compressed file format of the camera.

Post by Marcus Meissner
Hi Hanno,
The Panasonics we so far encountered do not support remote control / live view
over USB. This is a choice by Panasonic in their firmware.
It looks like this one is not different.
Ciao, Marcus
Post by Hanno Blankenstein
One for the list.
Here is a summary.txt and config.txt for the DMC-SZ9. Not too many options
unfortunately for any Panasonic as I notice.
I would love to have the ability to have live view of the Panasonic cameras
I am curious, how is the integration of Panasonic cameras/camcorders
progressing, if at all? I also have a camcorder HC-V520 / V520M and would
love to use the live preview and --capture-video option with gphoto2. Is
there any option to achieve this with gphoto2 or other packages?
Label: PTP Opcode
Type: TEXT
Current: 0x1001,0xparam1,0xparam2
Label: Serial Number
Type: TEXT
Current: None
Label: Camera Manufacturer
Type: TEXT
Current: Panasonic
Label: Camera Model
Type: TEXT
Current: DMC-SZ9
Label: Device Version
Type: TEXT
Current: 1.0
Label: Vendor Extension
Type: TEXT
Current: None
Label: Battery Level
Type: TEXT
Current: 100%
Label: Session Initiator Info
Type: TEXT
Current: Windows/6.2.9200 MTPClassDriver/6.2.9200.16384
Label: Perceived Device Type
Type: TEXT
Current: 1
Label: Battery Level
Current: 100
Bottom: 0
Top: 100
Step: 10
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Model: DMC-SZ9
Version: 1.0
Vendor Extension ID: 0x6 (1.0)
Display Formats: Association/Directory, DPOF, Apple Quicktime, JPEG
Association/Directory/3001: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc05/AssociationType dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name
DPOF/3006: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name
Apple Quicktime/300d: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name dc87/Width dc88/Height dc89/Duration de93/SampleRate de94/NumberOfChannels de97/ScanDepth de9a/AudioBitRate de9b/VideoFourCCCodec de9c/VideoBitRate
JPEG/3801: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name dc87/Width dc88/Height dcd3/ImageBitDepth
File Download, File Deletion, No File Upload
No Image Capture, No Open Capture, No vendor specific capture
StorageDescription: None
VolumeLabel: None
Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card)
Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM)
Access Capability: Read-Write
Maximum Capability: 31902400512 (30424 MB)
Free Space (Bytes): 31839846400 (30364 MB)
Free Space (Images): 0
Session Initiator Info(0xd406):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Windows/6.2.9200 MTPClassDriver/6.2.9200.16384'
Perceived Device Type(0xd407):(read only) (type=0x6) 1
Battery Level(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 100, step 10] value: 100% (100)
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Gphoto-devel mailing list
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Gphoto-devel mailing list
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