[gphoto-devel] campatability of gphoto in 360 camera
Vivek Sahu
2016-09-10 22:43:41 UTC
is gphoto can campatible to give camand to 360 camera to store and capture
the image
Marcus Meissner
2016-09-11 14:52:27 UTC

The Ricoh Theta series can be controlled and can capture remotely.
(I have one ;)

Ciao, Marcus
Post by Vivek Sahu
is gphoto can campatible to give camand to 360 camera to store and capture
the image
Gphoto-devel mailing list
Marcus Meissner,SUSE LINUX GmbH; Maxfeldstrasse 5; D-90409 Nuernberg; Zi. 3.1-33,+49-911-740 53-432,,serv=loki,mail=wotan,type=real <***@suse.de>

Adam Kemény
2016-09-12 07:36:08 UTC
Very interesting! :)
Post by Marcus Meissner
The Ricoh Theta series can be controlled and can capture remotely.
(I have one ;)
Ciao, Marcus
Post by Vivek Sahu
is gphoto can campatible to give camand to 360 camera to store and capture
the image
Gphoto-devel mailing list
Gphoto-devel mailing list
Vivek Sahu
2016-09-11 15:51:41 UTC
Hey hi, I am vivek sahu.
Btech 2nd year engineering student studying in national institute of
technology warangal.
Presently I am working on a Chinese 360 camera to control it over a any
remote locations via web..!!
I am using raspberry pi as controller which can give commands to capture
and store it ..for that I need some help from gphoto...but gphoto is not
able to detect the camera..!!
Can u help me.
Post by Vivek Sahu
is gphoto can campatible to give camand to 360 camera to store and capture
the image
Marcus Meissner
2016-09-12 07:14:43 UTC

The question is what kind of protocol this chinese 360 camera talks
over USB ....

If gphoto does not recognize it, we likely do not support that protocol
at this time.

Can you post output of "lsusb -v" ?

Ciao, Marcus
Post by Vivek Sahu
Hey hi, I am vivek sahu.
Btech 2nd year engineering student studying in national institute of
technology warangal.
Presently I am working on a Chinese 360 camera to control it over a any
remote locations via web..!!
I am using raspberry pi as controller which can give commands to capture
and store it ..for that I need some help from gphoto...but gphoto is not
able to detect the camera..!!
Can u help me.
Post by Vivek Sahu
is gphoto can campatible to give camand to 360 camera to store and capture
the image
Gphoto-devel mailing list