[gphoto-devel] D810 with Gphoto2 - problems
2017-02-28 18:29:57 UTC

Please help.

I'm working on a project where I can trigger my Nikon D810 DSLR with a motion sensor. But first I would like trigger the D810 with Gphoto2.

I have been following an online tutorial and have installed the latest version of Gphoto2. However, when I try to detect or trigger the camera I am running in to issues. When I detect I get:

***@raspberrypi:~ $ gphoto2 --auto-detect
Model Port
USB PTP Class Camera usb:001,006

I would expect the bold area to list the D810. Then when I try to trigger the camera I get the following error:

***@raspberrypi:~ $ gphoto2 --trigger-capture

*** Error ***
An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Device or resource busy). Make sure no other program (gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor) or kernel module (such as sdc2xx, stv680, spca50x) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.
ERROR: Could not trigger capture.
*** Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device') ***

For debugging messages, please use the --debug option.
Debugging messages may help finding a solution to your problem.
If you intend to send any error or debug messages to the gphoto
developer mailing list <gphoto-***@lists.sourceforge.net>, please run
gphoto2 as follows:

env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --debug-logfile=my-logfile.txt --trigger-capture

Please make sure there is sufficient quoting around the arguments.

The Debugger is as follows

***@raspberrypi:~ $ gphoto2 --debug
0.000557 main(2): gphoto2 2.5.4
0.000619 main(2): gphoto2 has been compiled with the following options:
0.000646 main(2): + gcc (C compiler used)
0.000667 main(2): + popt (mandatory, for handling command-line parameters)
0.000690 main(2): + exif (for displaying EXIF information)
0.000711 main(2): + cdk (for accessing configuration options)
0.000732 main(2): + aa (for displaying live previews)
0.000755 main(2): + jpeg (for displaying live previews in JPEG format)
0.000777 main(2): + readline (for easy navigation in the shell)
0.000805 main(2): libgphoto2 2.5.4
0.000838 main(2): libgphoto2 has been compiled with the following options:
0.000862 main(2): + all camlibs
0.000882 main(2): + gcc (C compiler used)
0.000903 main(2): + ltdl (for portable loading of camlibs)
0.000923 main(2): + EXIF (for special handling of EXIF files)
0.000951 main(2): libgphoto2_port 0.10.0
0.000985 main(2): libgphoto2_port has been compiled with the following options:
0.001009 main(2): + gcc (C compiler used)
0.001029 main(2): + ltdl (for portable loading of camlibs)
0.001050 main(2): + USB (libusb1, for USB cameras)
0.001071 main(2): + serial (for serial cameras)
0.001093 main(2): + no resmgr (serial port access and locking)
0.001114 main(2): + no ttylock (serial port locking)
0.001134 main(2): + no lockdev (serial port locking)
0.001157 main(2): CAMLIBS env var not set, using compile-time default instead
0.001180 main(2): IOLIBS env var not set, using compile-time default instead
0.001202 main(2): invoked with following arguments:
0.001222 main(2): --debug
0.001302 setting/gphoto2-setting.c(2): Creating $HOME/.gphoto
0.001589 setting/gphoto2-setting.c(2): Loading settings from file "/home/pi/.gphoto/settings"
0.002234 gp-camera(2): Freeing camera...
0.002291 gphoto2-port(2): Freeing port...
0.002336 gphoto2-filesystem(2): resetting filesystem
0.002359 libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c(2): Clearing fscache LRU list...
0.002383 libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c(2): fscache LRU list already empty
0.002408 gphoto2-filesystem(2): Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
0.002434 gphoto2-filesystem(2): Lookup folder '/'...
0.002457 gphoto2-filesystem(2): Found! / is 0xf97b18
0.002479 gphoto2-filesystem(2): Recurse delete folder 0xf97b18//

Can you help?

Marcus Meissner
2017-02-28 19:05:51 UTC
Post by L M
Please help.
I'm working on a project where I can trigger my Nikon D810 DSLR with a motion sensor. But first I would like trigger the D810 with Gphoto2.
Model Port
USB PTP Class Camera usb:001,006
*** Error ***
An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Device or resource busy). Make sure no other program (gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor) or kernel module (such as sdc2xx, stv680, spca50x) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.
ERROR: Could not trigger capture.
*** Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device') ***
It is the GVFS GNOME virtual filesystem that blocks access your camera, like the
message says.

Try e.g.:
killall gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor

and then replugin the camera and see if that helps.

Ciao, Marcus
